About the Device
Oracle Database is a relational database with object and Extensible Markup Language (XML) capabilities. In a relational database, all data is stored in tables that are composed of rows and columns. Oracle Database enables you to store data, update it, and efficiently retrieve it, with a high degree of performance, reliability, and scalability.
Device Information
Entity | Particulars |
Vendor Name | Oracle |
Product Name | Database |
Type of Device | Hosted |
Collection Method
Log Type | Ingestion label | Preferred Logging Protocol - Format | Log collection method |
Oracle | ORACLE_DB | Syslog - KV | CyberHub |
Port Requirements
Source | Destination | Port |
Oracle Database | CyberHub | 6514 (TCP) |
To facilitate secure communication and align with our best practice, we strongly encourage the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) between your security devices and our Adaptive MxDR platform for event forwarding.
While we understand that TLS support may not be available on all devices, if your devices do support TLS communication, we recommend utilizing port 6514 for seamless integration.
In some cases, the upgraded version of the device might incorporate TLS support without prior notice. If you come across such a scenario or for further assistance in configuring TLS, we kindly ask you to reach out to your dedicated Adaptive MxDR Service Delivery Lead.
Device Configuration
NXLog installation on Windows and Linux.
A central NXLog server has to be created by the customer before following below Steps.
After Installation for Linux devices go to Installed location of the NXLog and then look for the ODBC module and install it via
Rpm -ivh <NXLOG-<Version>-<ODBC>.rpm>
. This step is not required for Windows as it get pre-installed by default.
After installation of NXLog Please follow the below steps:
on Linux SyslogEnable
on DB.Read Only User Creation.
ODBC Driver Installation on Windows and Linux (Tested on Redhat 8.0 and CentOS 7.0)
NXLog configuration.
NXLog Enterprise Edition
NXLog Community Edition
To Enable Unified Auditing For Linux Syslog
Login to Your System with root permissions.
Switch to Oracle User.
su - oracle
Provide the password for oracle user.
Go to Oracle dbs directory. Below is the example:
edit theinit<SID>.ora file
.vim initORCL.ora
Under the file add the below mentioned two configurations
Facility can be from LOCAL0 to LOCAL7. You can choose any according to the logs you wish to monitor. SEVERITY can be chosen from DEBUG to Emergency according to the log monitoring.
Save the file.
Now edit the
Add the above configuration at the End. Please note you need to add the same
as you mentioned in theinit<SID>.ora
Save the file.
on your system.sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.conf # Unified Audit Rules local0.info /var/log/oracle_common_audit_records.log local1.info /var/log/oracle_audit_records.log
12. Restart the rsyslog service
systemctl restart rsyslog
13. Login into Oracle
[oracle@ip-172-31-18-18 ~]$ SQLPLUS / nolog SQL> connect username/password:<sid> as sysdba SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE SQL> exit
Now stop the listener.
lsnrctl stop
Now go to OMS folder.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/middleware/oms export OMS_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/middleware/oms $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms
If you don’t have middleware folder, go to Step 14 directly.
Relink Oracle with the
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f ins_rdbms.mk uniaud_on ioracle
The above command will enable the Unified Auditing on the DB.
Restart all the Oracle Services.
sqlplus / as sysdba startup mount exit
Start the listener service.
lsnrctl start
Now again login into Oracle
sqlplus / as sysdba
Run the below Query.
Now run the Query.
SQL> select * from vsoption where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing'; PARAMETER VALUE CON ID Unified Auditing. TRUE
Now the Unified auditing is enabled.
To Enable Unified_Auditing on DB.
To enable Unified Auditing on DB please follow Step 13 to Step 23 under section Enable Unified_Auditing on Linux Syslog
Below are the steps to Follow if the Unified Auditing is enabled on DB. If the Unified_Auditing is Enabled to log into Linux Syslog then you need to follow NXLog Community Edition.
Read Only User Creation
Oracle 21c onwards
To start SQLPlus without logging in to a database, at a command prompt, type the following:
sqlplus /nolog;
To connect as a system database administrator, at the SQLPlus prompt, type the following command:
connect sys/password@SID as sysdba;
To create a read-only user, at the SQLPlus prompt, type the following commands:
create user read_only_user
identified by password;grant connect to read_only_user;
To grant select privileges for the database user, type the following commands:
grant select on AUDSYS.AUD$UNIFIED to read_only_user;
grant select on v$instance to read_only_user;
grant select on sys.audit_actions to read_only_user;
Type the following commands:
grant create session to read_only_user;
ODBC Driver Installation
Download the ODBC driver/instant client for Oracle Server. Go to link to download the file https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/downloads.html . Select the OS and click the link.
Another window will open as https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/winx64-64-downloads.html
Download three packages
instantclient-basic-windows.x64-, instantclient-sdk-windows.x64- and instantclient-odbc-windows.x64-
Now create a folder named as
and unzip all three zip files under this.
When you extract these three packages it will extract all the content in its own folder name. Copy the content of these folders into the folder instantclient_21_3
which was created in above steps.
Now we need to add our Oracle Client directory to the Windows PATH environment. Right-click My Computer > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables
In System Variables, click New and then enter the following details:
Change C:\Program Files\Oracle\Product\Client\instantclient_21_3 with your actual Oracle Client folder.
Now open the folder
, in your Oracle Client folder created on the Step 1 and double click the fileodbc_install.
Now go to run with Windows + R and type regedit.
Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ODBC > ODBCINST.INI you will find name as Oracle in instantclient_21_3
as below
Copy this name and paste it in connection string in
LINUX (Redhat and CentOS)
Download the ODBC driver/instant client for Oracle Server. Go to link to download the file https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/downloads.html . Select the OS and click the link.
A page will open https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/linux-x86-64-downloads.html Download
oracle-instantclient-basic-, oracle-instantclient-odbc-
Now login into your linux box and go to /tmp/ and create a directory oracle as mkdir oracle.
Go under this directory via cd oracle.
Copy the above package under this location.
Now run the command yum install
.Now run the command yum install <package name> one by one.
After the installation go to /etc/odbcinst.ini and see the content of the file via cat /etc/obdcinst.ini the content of the file should looks like below:
[Oracle 19c Driver] Description = Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle 21c Driver = /usr/lib/oracle/21.6/client64/lib/libsqora.so.21.1 Setup = FileUsage = CPTimeout = CPReuse = Driver Logging = 7
Now another file should be created as odbc.ini if not created create one via vi /etc/odbc.ini
Under this fie add content as below:
[root@ip-100-108-177-17 etc]# cat /etc/odbc.ini [Oracle] Description = ODBC Driver for Oracle 21c AggregateSQLType = FLOAT Application Attributes = T Attributes = W BatchAutocommitMode = IfAllSuccessful BindAsFLOAT = F CacheBufferSize = 20 CloseCursor = F DisableDPM = F DisableMTS = T DisableRULEHint = T Driver = ODBC Driver for Oracle 21c DSN = ORCL EXECSchemaOpt = EXECSyntax = T Failover = T FailoverDelay = 10 FailoverRetryCount = 10 FetchBufferSize = 64000 ForceWCHAR = F LobPrefetchSize = 8192 Lobs = T Longs = T MaxLargeData = 0 MaxTokenSize = 8192 MetadataIdDefault = F QueryTimeout = T ResultSets = T ServerName = SQLGetData extensions = F SQLTranslateErrors = F StatementCache = F Translation DLL = Translation Option = 0 UseOCIDescribeAny = F UserID = Password =
Now add LD_LIBRARY_PATH for above locations as below:
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/21.6/client64 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib
Now copy the path /usr/lib/oracle/21.6/client64/lib/libsqora.so.21.1 and paste it under
file connection string.
NXLog Configuration
NXLOG Enterprise Edition
Download and Install the NXLOG Enterprise Edition.
After installation find the attached files nxlog.conf.21c
Download this file.
Now go to your NXLog installed directory. Windows: C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf Linux : /opt/nxlog/etc/
Copy the file under these directory.
Rename the file to
Provide proper permission.
Provide CYBERHUBIP in output section.
Restart the nxlog service.
The log flow will start.
For multiple Databases add multiple inputs.
NXLog Community Edition
NXLog Community Edition will read logs from the audit file created in section, Enable Unified Auditing For Linux Syslog. The logs have very less security value in comparison to read from NXLog Enterprise Edition as the Data is read directly from DB by querying the DB.
Download and Install the NXLOG Community Edition.
After installation find the attached files
Download this file.
Now go to your NXLog installed directory. Windows: C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf Linux : /opt/nxlog/etc/
Copy the file under these directory.
Rename the file to
Provide proper permission.
Provide Filepath in Input Section and CYBERHUBIP in output section.
Restart the nxlog service.
The log flow will start.
Integration Parameters
Parameters required from customer for Integration.
Property | Default Value | Description |
IP Address | Oracle Database interface IP address | Hostname or IP address of the device which forwards logs to the CyberHub |