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About the Device

Tanium is endpoint security solution which helps to secure and manage endpoints regardless of scale or size. Tanium’s patented linear-chain architecture turbocharges security and operations tasks so that actions previously taking hours or

even days can be accomplished in seconds.

The Tanium Server is the server that communicates with TaniumTM Clients. Tanium Clients communicate with the Tanium Server directly or through a Tanium Zone Server that acts as a proxy.

The Tanium Module Server runs application services and stores files for Tanium solution modules. The Module Server communicates directly only with the Tanium Server.

Device Information



Vendor Name


Product Name


Type of Device


Collection Method

Log Type

 Ingestion label

Preferred Logging Protocol - Format

Log collection method

Tanium Threat Response


Syslog - JSON


Port Requirements




Tanium Platform


514 (UDP)

To facilitate secure communication and align with our best practice, we strongly encourage the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) between your security devices and our Adaptive MxDR platform for event forwarding.

While we understand that TLS support may not be available on all devices, if your devices do support TLS communication, we recommend utilizing port 6514 for seamless integration.

In some cases, the upgraded version of the device might incorporate TLS support without prior notice. If you come across such a scenario or for further assistance in configuring TLS, we kindly ask you to reach out to your dedicated Adaptive MxDR Service Delivery Lead.

Device Configuration

To configure threat response module to forward logs

  1. Login to the Tanium console using Admin Credentials

  2. Navigate to Connect Module

  1. In Connect, click Create Connection > Create

  1. Enter a name and description for your connection

  2. Enable the connection to run on a schedule.
    (Select Enable. You can set up the schedule when you configure the rest of the connection. If the schedule is not enabled, the connection only runs when you manually run it) 

  1. Retain the default Log Level as Information. 

  2. In Advanced Settings, please keep this as is. (For more information please refer attached connect user guide)

  3. Configure the connection source: Select Event (this applies to Tanium Detect only, for all other modules follow same steps, example given below for other modules)
    The connection source determines what data you are sending to the destination. 

  4. Select Match Alerts raw.


In Source and Destination configure the following in Destination

  • Destination Name: Micro Focus Arcsight.

  • Host: CyberHub IP

  • Protocol: UDP/TCP

  • Port: Based on protocol (Preferred: TCP: 601 UDP: 514)

  1. Keep Secure and Trust on First Use checkboxes unchecked.

  2. Keep the Filter Section as is. If you wish you can use Filter to Filter the Logs at source.

  3. Format: Select JSON format. Keep row delimiter and checkboxes default as is.

  4. Click Save 

To configure any other module to forward logs

 1. Login to the Tanium console using Admin Credentials

  1. Navigate to Connect Module

  1. In Connect, click Create Connection > Create

  1. Enter a name and description for your connection

  2. Enable the connection to run on a schedule.

    (Select Enable. You can set up the schedule when you configure the rest of the connection. If the schedule is not enabled, the connection only runs when you manually run it) 

image-20241211-044527 (1).png
  1. Retain default Log Level as Information. 

  2. In Advanced Settings, please keep this as is. (For more information please refer attached connect user guide)

  3. In Source and Destination, configure the connection source: 

    Select from drop down (The connection source determines what data you are sending to the destination.)

  4. Configure Destination:

  • Destination Name: Micro Focus Arcsight.

  • Host: CyberHub IP

  • Protocol: UDP/TCP

  • Port: Based on protocol (Preferred: TCP: 601 UDP: 514)

  1. Keep Secure and Trust on First Use checkboxes unchecked.

  2. Format: Select JSON format from the drop down. Keep row delimiter and checkboxes default as is.

  3. Click Save.

 To Configure steps for Tanium Cloud

To configure threat response module to forward logs form Cloud

  1. Login to Tanium console.

  2. Navigate to Modules > Connect.

  3. Navigate to Create Connection > Create.

  4. Enter a name of your connection.

  5. For Source, select Event. For Event Group, select Tanium Threat Response. Select Match Alerts Raw.

  6. Configure Destination:

  • Destination - Select SIEM Destination with (via a socket) in the name

  • Destination Name - Create your own

  • Host - CyberHub IP

  • Network Protocol - TCP

  • Port - 6514

  1. Select Secure and Trust on First Use.

  1. Format: Select JSON, make sure that Generate Document is not selected

  1. Expand the Columns section and click Add Column. For Source Column Name, enter taniumsource. Select Connection Variable and Unmodified for Custom Column Type, and select Source Name for Destination Value.

  2. Click Save.

 To configure Discover module to forward logs form Cloud

  1. Login to Tanium console.

  2. Navigate to Modules > Connect.

  3. Navigate to Create Connection > Create.

  4. Enter a name of your connection.

  5. For Source, select Tanium Discover. Select Report as All

  6. Configure Destination:

  • Destination - IBM QRadar

  • Destination Name - Create your own

  • Host - CYBERHUB IP

  • Network Protocol - TCP

  • Port - 6514

  1. Select Secure and Trust on First Use.

  1. Format: Select JSON, make sure that Generate Document is not selected.

  1. Expand the Columns section and click Add Column. For Source Column Name, enter taniumsource. Select Connection Variable and Unmodified for Custom Column Type, and select Source Name for Destination Value.

  2. In the Schedule section, select Enable Schedule, and configure a schedule for the connection to run.

  3. Click Save, or click Save and Run to run the connection immediately.

 To configure Powershell module

  1. In the Tanium management console, select Modules > Interact.

  1. Select PowerShell Forensics By Endpoint in the Saved Question item of Content (easy to find by searching with the scroll bar or by entering "Power" in the search bar of the Saved Questions), Click (...), and select Copy to Question Bar.

  1. A character string is entered in Ask a Question of the Explore Data, press the return key and execute.

  1. Add the following string to the Ask a Question of Explore Data. Add the string between PSReadline and from all machines with, then execute (press the enter key. )

and Tanium Client IP Address
  1. Click Save.

  2. In Create Saved Questions, enter Name and select Content Set, and then select Save.

  1. Select Modules > Connect in the management console.


  1. In Connections, click Create Connection.

  1. In Create Configuration, in Source, select the Saved Question and select the Saved Question Name created earlier for Saved Question.


  1. Click Save

Please go through attached document named as "Tanium_device_configuration_guide.pdf" for other module configuration.

Integration Parameters

Parameters required from customer for Integration.


Default Value


IP Address

Tanium Platform interface IP address

Hostname or IP address of the device which forwards logs to the CyberHub


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