Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. The above command will enable the Unified Auditing on the DB.

  2. Restart all the Oracle Services.

    Code Block
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    startup mount
  3. Start the listener service.

    Code Block
    lsnrctl start
  4. Now again login into Oracle

    Code Block
    sqlplus / as sysdba
  5. Run the below Query.

    Code Block
  6. Now run the Query.

    Code Block
    SQL> select * from vsoption where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing';
    PARAMETER                  VALUE          CON ID
    Unified Auditing.          TRUE
  7. Now the Unified auditing is enabled.

 To Enable Unified_Auditing on DB.

  1. To enable Unified Auditing on DB please follow Step 13 to Step 23 under section Enable Unified_Auditing on Linux Syslog

 Below are the steps to Follow if the Unified Auditing is enabled on DB. If the Unified_Auditing is Enabled to log into Linux Syslog then you need to follow NXLog Community Edition. 

Read Only User CreationOracle 21c onwards

To Enable Read Only User

  • To start SQLPlus without logging in to a database, at a command prompt, type the following: sqlplus /nolog;

  • To connect as a system database administrator, at the SQLPlus prompt, type the following command: connect sys/password@SID as sysdba;

  • To create a read-only user, at the SQLPlus prompt, type the following commands:
    create user read_only_user identified by password;
    grant connect to read_only_user;

  • To grant select privileges for the database user, type the following commands:
