Property | Default Value | Description |
OAuth JWT endpoint | N/A | Specify the token_uri value from the service account JSON key. |
JWT claims issuer | N/A | Specify the client_email value from the service account JSON key |
JWT claims subject | N/A | Primary Email address of the user that was created in the Google Workspace Admin console |
JWT claims audience | N/A | Specify the token_uri value from the service account JSON key. |
RSA private key | N/A | Key in PEM format. The PEM key is available in the service account key file. When you enter the private key, include the BEGIN PRIVATE KEY header and the END PRIVATE KEY footer and replace all instances of the \n token with an actual Enter keystroke in the text box. |
Customer ID | N/A | Except for the Alerts log type, All log types requires the customer ID field with a leading 'C' character. If the customer ID field does not contain a leading 'C' character, then prepend the value with a 'C' character. |
Applications | N/A | Only Applicable for Feed Configuration of Workspace Activities. Internal Note : Please find list of Supported Applications :