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There are many services and packages available in the Linux. Each service plays a crucial role in enabling various functionalities and supporting different types of applications and workloads. Here are service description which are supported.

Device Information



Vendor Name

Open Source

Product Name

Linux Operating System

Type of Device


Collection Method

Log Type

 Ingestion label

Preferred Logging Protocol - Format

Log collection method

Linux Auditing System (AuditD)


Syslog KV/Unstructured


Linux Sysmon


Syslog XML


Unix system


Syslog Unstructured


Port Requirements




Linux Operating System


601 (TCP)

To facilitate secure communication and align with our best practice, we strongly encourage the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) between your security devices and our Adaptive MxDR platform for event forwarding.

While we understand that TLS support may not be available on all devices, if your devices do support TLS communication, we recommend utilizing port 6514 for seamless integration.

In some cases, the upgraded version of the device might incorporate TLS support without prior notice. If you come across such a scenario or for further assistance in configuring TLS, we kindly ask you to reach out to your dedicated Adaptive MxDR Service Delivery Lead.

Device Configuration

To Configure Linux Audit System (AUDITD) logging configuration

The below steps are validated on following Linux distributions - Ubuntu v22.04.4 LTS, RHEL v9.3, Debian v12.5 and SUSE Linux Enterprise v15.5.


Code Block
systemctl restart auditd.service
systemctl restart rsyslog.service

To Configure Linux Sysmon logging configuration

The below steps are validated on following Linux distributions - Ubuntu v22.04.4 LTS, RHEL v9.3 and Debian v12.5.


Code Block
sudo sysmon -accepteula -i

To Forward All the Linux OS Logs to CyberHub


Code Block
*.* @@FORWARDER_IP:601

Replace FORWARDER_IP with CyberHUB CyberHub IP. The @@ in the second column indicates that TCP is used to send the message.


Parameters required from customer for Integration.


Default Value


IP Address

Linux Operating System interface IP address

Hostname or IP address of the device which forwards logs to the CyberHub