Versions Compared


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UDP/514 or TCP/601 or TLS/6514

Default port

Configuring Siteminder


  1. Download and Install NxLog agent from location

  2. Go to services.msc and stop the nxlog service

  3. Go to folder "C:\Program Files\nxlog\data" and delete "configcache.dat"

  4. For Windows Agent , go to installed location “C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf”. Rename below attached “nxlog(windows)SM.conftxt” to "nxlog.conf" and replace with “nxlog.conf” file which was already present in this folder.

View file
namenxlog(windows) SM.txt

5. Replace “<LCP_IP>” with actual LCP IP in nxlog.conf


  1. Download and Install NxLog agent from location Download  (There are few dependencies that you need to install and then you can install nxlog on machine. Refer Documentation :: NXLog Documentation )

  2. For Linux Agent , After installation go to installed location “/etc/nxlog/”. Rename attached “nxlog(Linux)1.conftxt” to "nxlog.conf" and replace with “nxlog.conf” file which was already present in this folder.

View file

3. Replace “<LCP_IP>” with actual LCP IP in nxlog.conf



Default Value




 The default protocol for syslog. The collector can also accept logs in TCP and Syslog TLS is also supported.

Note: While TCP offers guaranteed delivery of log packets, it places a larger overhead on the LCP. To balance TCP for reliability over UDP for speed/simplicity, contact the Accenture Security MDR onboarding team.

Host Names/IP Addresses 

Siteminder IP

 Logging device IP address mentioned in the Pre-Installation Questionnaire (PIQ).

Note: If the device sends logs using multiple interfaces, contact the Accenture Security MSS onboarding team.



 MDR recommended signatures processed by the Broadcom Symantec Siteminder event collector.

Port Number


 The default port number for syslog. For TCP, the default port is 601. For syslog TLS, port is 6514

Note: The LCP can be configured to listen on a non-standard port, please advise the Accenture MDR onboarding team if this is a requirement.