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601 10014 (Secure TCP)

Device Configuration

  1. Log in to the HashiCorp Vault CLI


To configure NxLog Agent for TLS TCP Log flow on port 10014:

  • Download and Install NxLog agent from Download

  • For TLS, need to create certificate file for communication. On CyberHub , navigate to support user mode and choose option 11 to View Certificate to export for FTPS and TCP.

  • Copy and paste the certificate to new file and save this file into squid server at desired location.

  • For Linux Agent, after installation go to installed location “/etc/nxlog.conf”. Rename attached NXLog.conf(TLS) to nxlog.conf and copy into this folder.

  • Replace “lcpIp” with “CyberHub IP Address” in nxlog.conf

  • Change vault_audit.log file location on line 24

  • Add CA File location at position 37

  • Now start the nxlog service using below command
