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  • This line was added.
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To configure syslog message forwarding using syslogd:

  1. From a Unix server, login with root privileges.

  2. To stop syslogd, at the command prompt, type the following command as required:


/sbin/init.d/syslogd stop


stopsrc -s syslogd

Solaris 8 and 9

/etc/init.d/syslog stop

  1. Use a text editor, such as vi, to open and edit the

/etc/syslog.conf file.

Add the following line in the syslog.conf file: *.info  @IP_address_of_the_LCP


Configuring Syslog Message Forwarding Using rsyslogd (RHEL/Huawei EulerOS)

To configure syslog message forwarding using rsyslogd:

  1. From a Unix server, login with root privileges.

  2. To stop rsyslogd, at a command prompt, type the following command:

  •  For SUSE Linux and Ubuntu Linux: service rsyslog stop

  •  For other Linux distributions: /etc/init.d/rsyslog stop


For TCP forwarding: *.info    @@, where is the IP address of the LCP.

  1. Save and close the rsyslog.conf file.

  2. To restart rsyslogd, at a command prompt, type the following command:

  •  For SUSE Linux and Ubuntu Linux: service rsyslog restart

  •  For other Linux distributions: /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart


To configure syslog message forwarding using syslog-ng:

  1. From a Unix server, login with root privileges.

  2. Use a text editor, such as vi, to open and edit the following file: /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf

  3. Add the following lines in the syslog-ng.conf file:

destination d_label_for_lcp { udp(lcp_ip_address port(preferred_port_number)); };


 Note: To configure TCP protocol, follow steps 1-3 and use "tcp" instead of "udp". Also use "601" instead of "514", where 601 is the default TCP port. 

  1. Save and close the syslog-ng.conf file.

  2. To restart syslog-ng, at a command prompt, type the following command: service syslog restart

Configuring Logging for Linux iptables


 To configure syslog plugin for auditd:

  1. From a Unix server, login with root privileges.

  2. To stop the audit process, at a command prompt, type the following command: /etc/init.d/auditd stop

  3. Use a text editor, such as vi, to open and edit the following file: /etc/audisp/plugins.d/syslog.conf

  4. Add the following line to the /etc/audisp/plugins.d/syslog.conf file: active = yes

  5. Save and close the /etc/audisp/plugins.d/syslog.conf file.

  6. To restart the audit process, at a command prompt, type the following command: /etc/init.d/auditd start

Configuring FTP to Log FTP Sessions and Debug Information for IBM AIX

 To configure FTP to log FTP sessions and debug information for IBM AIX:

  1. On an AIX server, at the Unix prompt, login with root privileges.

  2. Use an editor, such as vi, to open and edit the following file: /etc/inetd.conf

  3. Configure the FTP daemon with -l and -d parameters. A sample configuration is as follows: ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd -l -d

  4. Save and close the inetd.conf file.

  5. Stop and restart the FTP subserver by typing the following commands:

  • stopsrc -t ftp

  • startsrc -t ftp


To configure syslog message forwarding for Nokia IPSO:

  1. Login to the Nokia Network Voyager Web console with root privileges.

  2. Click System Configuration > System Logging.

  3. Under Remote system logging, in the Add new remote IP address to log to field, enter the IP address of the LCP.

  4. Click Apply. The IP address of the LCP should appear in the list.

  5. From the Log at or above severity list, select Info.

  6. Click Apply and then Save.

Configuring Event Date Format for SUSE Linux

To configure event date format for SUSE Linux:

  1. From a SUSE Linux server, login with root privileges.

  2. To stop rsyslogd, at a command prompt, type the command: service rsyslog stop-

  3. Use a text editor, such as vi, to open and edit the following file: /etc/rsyslog.conf

  4. Add the following line to the /etc/rsyslog.conf file: $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat

  5. Save and close the /etc/rsyslog.conf file.

  6. To restart rsyslog, at a command prompt, type the command: service rsyslog start

LCP Configuration Parameters
